extreme halloween
xmas cards

The Wompedy Club is all about convincing people stand up, go out into the world and do things. Obviously, we encourage political actions that seek to make the world a better place, like protesting, going to townhall meetings, voting, etc. But we also want people to just get out there and have fun!

Do things for the community you live in, do things for yourself, do things with your friends. And when we say "do things" we don't mean "go to dinner" or "see a movie," we mean, do something that doesn't involve sitting down and being a passive recipient of the world. Get out there and shake things up! Here are some examples of Wompedy Escapades that will hopefully encourage you to be more wompedy every day.

Extreme Halloween
Halloween is a special time for the Wompedy Club. We loved it as kids, and loved the idea of making other kids love it the way we did.

Read about and see photos of it, and see videos of it.

Anti-Gun Christmas Cards
When this card was first produced back in 1998, it was far less topical than it became after each year saw an increase in school shootings, and kids killing kids.

We made a few thousand of them, and every year around Christmastime we've split up into groups and fanned out discretely placing them on the racks of unsuspecting shops everywhere.

Dallas, Austin, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, our Anti-Gun message has been made in cities all across this great land by Wompedy Club Members everywhere.

Read all about it.

Autocide / Violation Notice
Back in April of 1999, in commemoration of Earth Day, the Wompedy Club made violation notices to put on SUVs, which cited the near invisible societal costs associated with SUVs, and informed the recipient that they were being billed for them. All $17,000 of them.

We made an accompaning website that the notice instructed people to go to, which explained in more detail why SUVs are not only bad for the environement, but also bad for the owners and society at large.

Then it was off to one of the largest malls in an affluent Dallas, TX suburb: Plano, TX, where we ticketed hundreds of SUVs before being kicked off the property.

Read all about it, and visit the site.

© The Wompedy Club 2005